Friday, January 26, 2024

Heading For Fun & Exercise

It was mid afternoon and this class of grade school students was heading down to the ice rink at Christie Pits Park for what must have been a lot of fun. We never had fun outings like that when I was in school.


  1. We used to have an icehockey rink at my childhood school. Not so today.

  2. I don't recall outings like that either. I bet they had fun.

  3. I had great fun ice skating as a kid. I got to play in pickup hockey games. Now I avoid ice when I can.

  4. I do remember once being taken to the rink with my class, but it could have been after school, I suppose.

  5. What a happy photo! Thank you Pat. Aloha

  6. You caught a glimpse of the life there

  7. I suppose the ice has to made nowadays. I wonder if that was always the case.

  8. Once we went as team with our customer - around Christmas the city provides a small ice rink on the market place. Weeee, as adults it´s not that easy anymore. This was 20 years ago, I would not dare again!
    It was a wonder no one fell!

  9. Skating is a fun activity, a great spot for the teenagers.
    Take care, have a great weekend!
