Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Cows In The City

I saw this truck stopped across from me and quickly took a shot before it could move off. Then it turned out that I spotted the truck and its cows twice more that week. It makes for a peaceful sight on a busy roadway.

Taking part in Signs 2. Click HERE to see more signs from across the world.


  1. What a great find!
    Have a blessed day!

  2. That's a great ad for the side of the truck. It is peaceful looking.

  3. ...this makes for a fabulous moooooving advertisement.

  4. Contented cows give good milk. It is a lovely mural on the side of that truck.

  5. It is a great find, I love cows.
    Take care, have a wonderful day!

  6. I like your choices and the resulting photo, Pat!

  7. A great fitting poster on the truck.

  8. It's funny how you can notice a vehicle and then keep seeing it around for a while.

  9. I love cows! They are so gentle! Ingo (he's 8 years older than me and grew up in a village) told me he "accompanied" cows to other feeding grounds as kid and got fresh milk for his brother straight from the farmer.
    We had a weekend-relationship for 13 years, so I got to see cows and sheep there, too!
    Those eye-lashes.... awww, the peaceful look they give you, thank you for the memories!
    Ingo came to Braunschweig in 2008...

  10. Muy tranquilas pacen las vacas 😊
    Un abrazo.
