Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Flowers in February

 This shot was taken on February 12 and we actually had flowers in Toronto. Since then we have had some snow but I'm sure that these Snowdrops are hiding under it and will be ready to shine again soon I hope.


  1. We don't really count them as a sign of Spring here, not sure why though. But they count in my book. Nice catch.

  2. How odd to see flowers in February. I hope they survive the snow and continue to bloom after the snow melts.

  3. There is one spot where I found snowdrops last year, and I am starting to think about them again. It will still be awhile, however.

  4. The snowdrops are pretty, a lovely sight to see.
    Take care, have a great day!

  5. While they grow here, yours look so fresh as they come to life after a nice winter sleep.

  6. One of my favorites, although I usually see these at higher elevations in the Blue Ridge mountains.

  7. Nature is really a month too early.

  8. Can't believe it! Do you live in the tropics?

  9. My family's garden was full of them!
    In Braunschweig... I saw them but once. Can you plant them? On the balcony?
