Saturday, May 11, 2024

Blackbird Sitting In A Tree


This handsome fellow was sitting high in a tree in James Gardens singing away. Another Blackbird further away was answering back so there was quite a choir. Red-wing Blackbirds are always a sign to me that spring is really here.

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Beautiful photo of the Blackbird!
    Have a blessed day!

  2. I also like to see the arrival of these birds. They showed up here 3 or 4 weeks ago. Handsome birds with that red racing stripe.

  3. Hello :=)
    Beautiful photo of the Red-winged Blackbird. I also made a post showing several photos of a Blackbird but it's not as pretty or colourful as your Blackbird.
    All the best

  4. Good to get a photo. They can be difficult to pin down.

  5. I haven't seen a red-winged blackbird in ages. I think we are too far south for them here. He's a beauty.

  6. Their song is haunting! Thank you Pat aloha

  7. Ooh, another species that we don't have here (UK). I like the flash of colour. (Reminds me of some sports clothing!)

  8. Always reminds me of the song. :-)'

    Blackbird singing in the dead of night
    Take these broken wings and learn to fly
    All your life
    You were only waiting for this moment to arise

  9. WE have blackbirds and I am quite ignorant about them but I'm sure they don't have any red on them. This chap looks pretty.

  10. LOL, looks like it has the German flag on the wing!
    Fitting, Spring is here, we had our first BBQ yesterday!

  11. Nice that it has a little colored spot on its wings.

  12. What a lovely bird and capture! Thanks for sharing. Be well.

    There is a spot near where we live where I used to see these guys.
    Urban sprawl has led to building built on the land these birds were on and luckily for all the conscientious builders built a patch of green and a little pond. I am delighted to report they are back.

  13. You had such a nice background for this beautiful bird. We have them here and love the song they sing!

  14. this is a FABULOUS image, i love this bird, i usually hear them before i see they!!
