Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Croft House at UC

This is a close-up shot of the far left part of yesterday's pic and it shows "Croft House" which was the 1st part of University College (UC) to be built and was built as the chemistry lab of the university. It is named after the 1st chem prof, Henry Croft, and is now used as a place for departmental meetings. I love all the details and just the quirkiness of being a round building! It is visible in the background of the snowy walk when you hit the University label below.


  1. This campus has so many interesting places to visit!

  2. Round buildings are fascinating and rare! I love the old stone buildings.

  3. It makes me think of Oxford for some reason.

  4. Nice!
    Can you show us how it looks like inside?

  5. Sharon - The architects modeled it on the lab at University Museum at Oxford although they made it a bit larger and better ventilated - good idea for a chem lab. You have a good eye!

  6. It is an attractive and intersting building. A round building must pose some difficulties in using the inside space.
