Thursday, March 24, 2011

Main Door at University College

This is a shot of the main door to UC which is under the centre tower in the pic from 2 days ago. The wonderful carving is representative of the work that is found all over the building both exterior and interior. I love it and the metal work on the door itself. I actually took a stroll through the inside of the building today and will show you some shots over the next few days - couldn't get into the round building as there was a meeting going on in there!


  1. Wow! This is terrific. Extremely detailed. I love it.

  2. Beautiful shot, I'm glad this place is so well preserved!

  3. Craftsmanship at it's finest..
    I think the meeting was about you Red Pat!
    About giving you full access! :))

  4. Oh wow! This one is so fancy. I need to get by and see this for myself. :)

  5. What an entrance! So many details.

  6. Wow! Such great architectural detail and craftsmanship.

  7. Wonderful craftsmanship. It looks like the entrance to a great cathedral.

  8. The carvings and the ironwork are so detailed!
