Saturday, March 19, 2011

Old Vic in the Snow

I must post my snow shots before we forget winter. This shot was taken a couple of weeks ago and shows 'Old Vic' the original building of Victoria College which is part of U of Toronto. This lovely old building was designed by architect William Storm (who died 2 months before its completion) and finished in 1892. It is a great example of Richardson Romanesque architecture with its large arches, stonework, towers & turrets, and its coloured decorative patterns - a striking sight at the north end of Queen's Park!


  1. The combination of snow and blue sky makes everything much more charming. ;-)
    Have a good weekend!

  2. Beautiful place. I really like Richardsonian architecture. The snow is finally gone here, except for shady places and where snow was piled up in parking lots.

  3. That really is a nice building. Too bad the designer couldn't see the completed project. Well I guess he still can.

  4. I was going to post a shot very similar to this this morning... another college too. Amazing architecture here.

  5. This is a really nice architectural building......I've seen it before. U of T has some great buildings.
    Love looking at your Blog and having a history on some of the buildings, now when I pass them I'll know a bit about them. Have a great day!!!!

  6. The building looks so majestic!

    You made me chuckle about your photos with snow because suddenly I find myself with a few too many! I think mine will have to wait till next year...although I hear we may be getting a little more sn--, no the forecast cannot be right! :)
