Monday, March 21, 2011

Same Garage

The garage in yesterday's post is at an intersection of laneways and so its side is exposed as well as the door. The same artist was commissioned to paint a mural along the side - not quite as arresting a sight as the lady but still rather nice. The vast majority of garage doors in the lanes don't have wonderful art on them and many are tagged with graffiti but for a lane-wanderer like myself it is fun to discover how many people have had interesting things painted on the doors. Glad you all like them!


  1. The tree looks cool!
    Colors brighten up our world!
    Thank you :)

  2. This is something I don't remember seeing anywhere north of Toronto. But maybe I'm not walking in the right neighbourhoods. :)

  3. Beautiful work! Such brilliant colors.

  4. Very interesting garage art! Our neighborhood has "rules" which I'd guess prohibit such a thing - tant pis!

  5. What sort of car lurks behind this, I wonder?

  6. It looks kind of like Peter Max.

  7. This is another cool work, well, you always show us cool things about your city, it's wonderful to know that Toronto has so many talented artists. ;-)

  8. Nice but yesterdays is still my winner.

  9. Gorgeous....looking garage doors. What part of TO is it at? I'm going to High Park later today but won't see these doors there. Thanks for sharing. :-) ~Erica~

  10. Erica - It is the Annex south of Bloor. Glad you like them.

  11. Great murals, this one is so colourful, great find,you explore a lot don't you?
