Monday, May 23, 2011

Crabapple Blossom Time

Typical of our recent weather we had just a touch of sun this morning and have since had periods of rain but while it was bright I was out and got this shot of one of the neighbourhood crabapple trees in full bloom. It was good to see that there were numerous bees buzzing around the flowers as I took the shot. Today is a holiday here - we celebrate Queen Victoria's birthday and there will be fireworks tonight. This is also the traditional start of the planting season so the garden centres are packed!


  1. Springtime is a happy season, lovely flowers!
    Enjoy your holiday! ;-)

  2. In southern New England I have always used May 15 as the start date for planting, at least in years when I had any self-discipline. So, I used our yucky weather a week ago to plant all of my annuals.

  3. Blossom always cheers me. I'm intrigued that you celebrate Queen Victoria's birthday!

  4. Gorgeous spring picture. Has me thinking of an old song my parents liked: "I'll be with you in apple blossom time..." I don't know if 'crab-apple blossom time' would scan as well, but the flowers are just as pretty!!

  5. Crabapples have such beautiful flowers. Happy Birthday Queen Victoria and happy celebrating.

  6. Happy Victoria Day!!! We actually set our fireworks off yesterday.....and did some plantings today also.
    Love those crabapple blossoms, I have about 6 trees that are about 50 years old.....and when they blossom it is like a bouquet of gorgeous flowers.
    Thanks for posting your beautiful photo. :-)))

  7. Springtime flowers are very cheerful indeed.

  8. Would you believe the weather has been the same on the south side of Lake Ontario too? (I've been there for the past few days.) Tomorrow is supposed to be lovely. I have my fingers crossed!
