Sunday, May 22, 2011

Paper Graffiti 2

I discovered another piece of paper graffiti this week which is probably getting a lot of laughs from passersby. This is our new mayor (who is quite rotund and proud of it) pictured eating a pink bike because he has declared that "the war on the car is over" and any people opposing him are characterized as "bike-riding pinkos"! It is going to be an interesting next few years!


  1. Loved the paper graffiti, but obviously it's much more fun because you told us about the new mayor. ;-)

  2. This is fun graffiti, I wonder how the new mayor feels about it...

  3. That is pretty good social satire, Redpat. Thank you for letting your viewers in on the deeper meaning.

  4. Thanks for this one .. love it!

  5. Very cool and funny after knowing what it's about.
