Saturday, May 21, 2011

Hand Work In Kensington Market

Because I was at Kensington Market early in the day many places such as this little food stall on Augusta St weren't open yet. I thought that this hand was very well done and served its purpose of discouraging tagging - the locked doors were pristine surrounding the hand! Not sure if this hand signal means anything - anyone know if it does?


  1. I have no idea, but I'll come back later to check the comments. ;-)

  2. I used to know sign but I just let it go so I couldn't tell you. Great shot.

  3. So you think they pre-tagged it to discourage other taggers? It seems to work, but it is sad that it has become necessary. And I have no idea what the sign means.

  4. Pre-tagging? A sign of the times.

  5. Kensington Market looks like a wonderful place to explore, I have enjoyed these photos.

  6. For the really hard-core classic Greek gesture equivalent to our revered middle finger, my friend demonstrated the time honored…drum roll…open handed, bent middle finger. 
