Saturday, May 14, 2011

Thursday's Post Redux - "Sakura Hanami" at High Park

My Thursday post seems to be gone for good so here it is again as I remember it!

"Sakura Hanami" is the Japanese tradition of viewing the cherry blossoms and hundreds of people have been going to High Park this week to see the small forest of cherry trees planted there. In 1959 the Japanese ambassador to Canada presented 2000 cherry trees to the city of Toronto on behalf of the citizens of Tokyo and most of those were planted in High Park along a lovely slope and many more have been added since. I went to the park early in the morning but even then it was getting very crowded with people (especially photographers!)


  1. It is beautiful. Flowering trees in the spring, when massed like this, are spectacular. Glad you re-posted it.

  2. It's a beautiful view, a wonderful place to start the day!
    I can see the trees were very well taken care of. ;-)

  3. I'm so glad you posted this again. It's a beautiful photo.

  4. pretty?!
    so nice to see people delighting in nature.
    Hope you're having a good weekend.

  5. Oh so happy you reposted, this is absolutely gorgeous. Such a wonderful place for everyone.....

  6. Such beautiful blossoms - lovely snap! My Thursday posting disappeared, too, because of BLOGGER but I found it in my scheduled list and was able to hit "Publish now" and it reposted! Crazy - hope that doesn't happen again!

  7. i like this picture - great colors, greatings from hamburg/germany

  8. Lovely photo and an interesting commentary. We were supposed to go to Japan at the end of March for the cherry blossom season, but the earthquake and tsunami put paid to that. Not that we should complain, obviously.
