Saturday, May 14, 2011

Wood Duck in High Park

With all the people in High Park to view the cherry blossoms this week the waterfowl were all circling about the pond looking for handouts. This is a male Wood Duck, probably the most handsome of North American ducks. These ducks build their nests in tree cavities and are unusual among ducks in that they have sharp claws for perching in trees! Something that I have yet to see!


  1. I didn't know about the nest in tree cavities, very interesting (and smart).
    Hope this handsome guy finds a lovely girlfriend. ;-)

  2. Lucia - He had a cute girl with him but she wouldn't get close enough to get into the shot!

  3. Very interesting colors on this fella. Capture quite well... Good job!

  4. Lovely photo! The duck has fantastic markings, actually he almost doesn't look real... a painted wooden duck :)

    Thanks for your comment on my blog.
