Sunday, September 4, 2011

Annex Georgian

As I continued my walk through the Annex I came upon this lovely Georgian Revival mansion that was built in 1902 as a single family dwelling but which had been divided into 4 units as of last summer when it was for sale at $2.75 million. As you can see from the pic, these large Annex homes are built close beside each other with usually not even the width of a driveway between them. Many were divided up in years past but they are now being restored to huge singles - there is restoration going on all over the Annex!


  1. Beautiful house, I'm sure it has so many interesting stories to tell us... ;-)

  2. Beautiful house! If those driveways are similar to that age of a home here in the midwest, they have shared driveways.

    btw Redpat, that guy hanging on a building in the West Bottoms I displayed a couple of days ago is not a gun dealer. Actually it is the home of salvaged architectural elements.

  3. Another handsome building. This area looks like the historic West End of the City of Hartford.

  4. That's a very grand looking house! Nice photo!

  5. I'll join you there or a mint julep!

  6. Lots of beautiful houses in the Annex. I'm glad to hear they are being restored.

  7. Gorgeous homes, glad to see them in such good condition. It appears your housing economy is doing just fine.

  8. Handsome old home. I think it's amazing that it housed one family, then was divided into four apartments and is now being renovated to be a one0family home again. What a history!

  9. Just catching up on what I missed the last few 'horrible' days!! Really love the Annex series of posts Red, they really built classically beautiful houses in those days. I quite like the idea of living in something like this, but somehow don't think it's going to happen!!

  10. I could live in a mansion like that one quite nicely!
