Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hilltop View

I am going to continue with my walk which took me by the modern house from Tuesday's post and show you some of the different styles of dwellings found in the lower Forest Hill and Avenue Rd neighbourhoods. This large older home home is just a block over and up a steep hill from Tues's house which results in giving it a splendid view over a leafy hillside of downtown Toronto and particularly all the construction going on there. I could find no historical info on this place at all. I would love to spend a bit of time in that covered balcony drinking tea and reading!


  1. Beautiful and cozy house.
    I would love to have a green area around my house. ;-)

  2. Bet it is beautifull spacious inside, too!

  3. Lovely looking place and a real contrast to Tuesdays house. The view sounds just perfect too.

  4. I'd love to join you over a cup of tea in that balcony. I'm reading a Jane Urquhart book right now. :)

  5. Now, THIS is my kind of house. It looks like you are getting a group ready to visit you here. Count me in.

  6. Mmm, rather grand. You'd have a good view of any visitors arriving, from that curved window.

  7. From looking at the exterior I am quite sure I would have no problem living in this house. It is entrancing with the stone, two fireplaces, that unique circular porch and room above with skylight (I'll bet that's an artist's studio!)...

    All of which is to say I really like it!

  8. Yes, this does spell "old money" doesn't it! It's going to be crowded on that balconey though, with all these readers and tea-drinkers!

  9. oooh, I am in love with that house.

  10. Interesting house. Not sure I like the round entrance.

  11. This is a beautiful house. I like the blocks that partly cover the outside and the nice shape.

  12. How wonderful! That curved room must be something.

  13. Maybe it is the nip in the air, but I was thinking Christmas tree, snow falling and tea on the balcony.

  14. Great house, great shot!

  15. On a day like today, that curved sunroom over the porch would be lovely to sit in and read, or daydream...
