Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Sandalman Ad Campaign

I showed you a pic of the "Guy In A Shop That Fixes Leather" here in March and a lot of you were surprised that there was actually still someone who did such a thing. Others were surprised when I mentioned all the advertising he does. Well - his fall ad campaign is on and so far I have seen a couple of buses with posters on their backs, 1 large billboard, and this large banner on the side of a corner store just a few blocks from yesterday's house. I haven't seen any on the subway yet. I always enjoy his quirky signs!
Taking part in Signs, Signs. For more signs click here.


  1. if my leather ever becomes sick, this is where I will go!

  2. I think business is going well for him, otherwise he wouldn't be able to afford these cool adds. ;-)

  3. Cool and nice shot with the shadows!

  4. A very clever ad campaign!
    I have a sick leather couch I could use his help with. :)

  5. And creative to boot (if you'll excuse the pun).

  6. It must be good for building awareness. If I needed help with leather, I would have no idea where to go. In Toronto, the answer is top of mind.

  7. He must be doing well to afford all that signage!

  8. There are leather shops here too... abandon hippies?

  9. So amazing that these business' are able to stay open. The cost of rent, and our throw away society, seems to stack the odds against them. And then you show us a glimmer of hope, and he is advertising besides. Wish I was close enough to give him my business.

  10. It must be an advertising stratagy that works well for him. Maybe it works because most people don't think about anyone doing this any longer. I have a local shoe repair shop that I use and have used for as long as I've lived in Arizona, 40 years!

  11. I am sure he does a bang up business with such interesting advertising.

  12. Oh oh sure do bring my leather in here. ^_^


  13. I find it immensely satisfying to see that someone is actively engaged in leathercraft! We have a lot of items made of leather and I'm afraid the tendency is to toss 'em if they're damaged. The sandalman could do us and the environment a lot of good.

  14. A leather hospital, that's a clever business idea! He can't have much competition...

  15. I need this place for a leather jacket.

  16. I would definitely use his services. Lucky for those who live in that area. :-)
