Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Cottingham Modern

The real estate market in Toronto has not slowed down a bit and prices continue to rise with construction at a hectic pace all over the city. I have been watching the construction of this in-fill house in the tony lower Forest Hill neighbourhood and it looks as if it is finally done. A smaller house which had been on the site was purchased for big $$$ and torn down to provide this nice corner lot. I like it but all that glass doesn't provide much privacy as evidenced by the paper I could see inside most of the windows - window coverings still to come!


  1. That is certainly interesting from an architectural point of view. I'm going to have to withhold judgment on whether I like it or not. I think I'd have to see the inside. You are surely right about privacy!

    We watch HGTV on occasion and one thing I've noticed is the high prices of real estate in Toronto.
    Quite amazing. Here prices are still dropping...they're about 1/2 of what they were just 2-3 years ago.

  2. I'm afraid I don't appreciate such huge monstrosities that don't fit comfortably into the neighbourhoods where they are built. Just saying, and I know many people disagree with me. :)

  3. Despite de lack of privacy, this is a very cool house!
    The concept is very interesting, I'd love to see insite it too! ;-)

  4. Interesting architecture, not sure I would want to live there.

  5. Yes, we all want an inside view. I'm not sure how you will arrange that. Whether I like it or not does not matter. A house is the home of those who reside inside.
    That roof would be a nice place to enjoy a summer evening or watch a waxing moon.

  6. I think that's a famtastic home! - and that patio on the roof doesn't hurt it either. I'd live in that in a second. Well shot to RedPat!

  7. I like the look of the place but would hate the window cleaning job.

  8. That is one huge house. It will be interesting to see how people live in it - especially at night. I agree, I love the patio? on the roof.

  9. I like the look of homes like this, I am usually drawn to the older homes, but modern still catches my eye.

  10. Well, you are stimulating some debate today, aren't you? For what it is worth, my tastes run along more conservative and traditional lines (though you have probably already figured that out). This house seems like an attractive version of its type, but it is hard to think of it as being warm and inviting.

  11. Interesting design. Love all of the windows.

  12. Hmmm, to me it looks more like an office building than a house.

  13. Perhaps this is what a 21st century castle may look like... a scaled down version of course.

  14. To be honest, I wouldn't want to live on the corner in a home like this.

  15. I have no negative input on this house. It is absolutely spectacular and it looks very homey... Some houses don't look homey on the outside but are very welcoming and inviting. This house has a stunning outside and probably a very comfortable inside. Also, as evident in the image, there are well constructed blinds that provide the family privacy. Thus making this a wonderful home in which complements the area nicely.

  16. hey thats my house!

  17. pretty nifty house

    however the only downside is that the teenage boy puts on a show every night in his room
