Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Eve

I caught this wonderful red sandstone carving on a house on Spadina Rd built in 1894 for a former mayor of Toronto. This devil/satyr (?) looks to me as if he knows how to have a good time as I hope all of you do too. Have fun, be safe, and enjoy the New Year's eve!


  1. Well spotted Red Pat!
    Have a wonderful 2012 :)

  2. You're right, I'm sure he knows how to have a good time! Very cool find! ;-)

    Dear RedPat
    I wish you a wonderful New Year's Eve and a 2012 full of love, happiness, beauty, art, and millions of good moments to photograph.
    All the best for you and your loved ones! :)

  3. What wonderful details and yes, he does look like the jolly sort! Have a very happy new year!

  4. Yes, there's quite a knowing look in his eye.
    A very happy New Year to you when it comes!

  5. Perfect post for New Years Eve - Have a great one!

  6. The devil made me do it? Ha ha! Pretty cool!

    Happy New Year!

  7. Let's see, it's 9 PM, almost time to hit the sack. That's what happens on NY's Eve around here! But, in my defense, I must get up early to play a round of golf! :-)

    I hope this "devil" doesn't reflect the inner mind of the former mayor! Looks like a rather sneaky character!

    Best wishes to you and yours for a wonderful, prosperous and peaceful New Year!

  8. Just beautiful...

    Warm wishes for a happy & fun-filled New Year...
    Seasons Greetings!

  9. Looks like he may know something we don't!

  10. Lovely detail shot! Best wishes for 2012, RedPat.

  11. Nice details Red, and yes I did have the devil in me last night, after four glasses of champagne and a very sore head this morning I've definitely learnt my lesson haha! Wishing you all the best for the year ahead.
