Friday, December 30, 2011

Present Day Streetcar

I thought I should show you what our present-day streetcars look like so I ventured down to the Bathurst St station and caught this one just leaving the station. There are 11 streetcar routes in downtown Toronto and they provide most of the surface transit service in the core of the city. There are also some articulated cars that are almost twice as long as this one! As you can see in the background we finally got a bit of snow last night.


  1. Love it, it's obviously modern, yet looks very retro too.

  2. I wish we lived somewhere ever that had good public transportation! When we RVd all the time, we spent some time in a few places that did and we loved using it. Sadly neither of the places where we spend most of the time now have very good systems.

  3. Interesting cross between a train and a bus in its looks.

  4. KC is so far behind times. I would give anything for a streetcar or subway system that meet the needs here in the city.

  5. The new ones are not much different from the outside...more modern, surely, and I can imagine there are many improvements not visible to the naked eye. I'd take either one!

  6. I think the new ones look like they will be an improvement, a step into this century.

  7. These look like the dad -- solid but getting tired -- and the new ones look like the proud, strong teenager, getting ready to take over.

  8. I agree with Jenny on the contrast.

  9. Wishing you a HAPPY NEW YEAR Red Pat!

  10. Snow comes; snow goes. All our is gone after a night of drenching rain.

  11. Looks like a lovely, new, RED streetcar, Redpat!
    Happy New Year!

  12. I like Jack's comment above. It really does feel that way. A new generation taking over.

  13. Riding the Red Rocket into the new year,,,M

  14. The new shape is much more sleek I think Red. I don't see anything wrong with this one above, but then I'm one of those people that like things to stay the same.
