Saturday, December 3, 2011

Snake-eating Raccoon

I am going for the prize for oddest graffiti with this post. I am not sure what it represents but I found this "paper graffiti" stuck on the wall of a very private tennis club (indoor clay courts & very deco interior & no signage) in the city. It was gone within the day! Fierce & bold raccoons roam our city in huge numbers at night but I don't know if they would take on a snake!


  1. Depends on the snake, I think. Probably not a rattler, though! Strange "graffiti."

  2. Hmmm... I haven't seen these. BUt then again I haven't been looking for them. Quite odd!

  3. weird 'graffiti! i actually like this type of easily removed (if you want) graffiti - paper! non destructive to the building. at first glance i thought the raccoon was simply standing on a branch. snakes that size in toronto!? you find such interesting buildings, art and the unusual! love your blog redpat. thanks

  4. Have you been following the antics of the twitter feed for @city_racoon? maybe this was his doing?!

  5. :)
    Have a good weekend Red Pat!

  6. Posting graffiti is bad enough, but to post stuff that has one scratching one's head is worse! What the heck would this mean?

  7. I name you the winner. I googled Busk and found lots of terms for it. There is a movie about street art & performance called Busk. To play music or perform in public place while soliciting for money.

  8. That is a great find. I never saw a real raccoon until I moved here.

  9. This is a very brave (and cute) raccoon! ;-)

  10. Yup you definitely win Red, that's WEIRD!! How funny that it disappeared so quickly too, not private tennis club artwork I guess!

  11. Nice graphic. Busk is out of England, lucky you to have captured one of his before it was taken down,

  12. Ah, great graffiti Red Pat....well done!
