Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Snoopy And Woodstock In Town

While running a quick errand yesterday I ran into this cute display which was a nice change from the usual blow-up snowmen and Santas. I had no idea that the guys were in town for the holidays! As you can see we are going to have a green Christmas this year unless there is a huge change by Sunday.


  1. It's true that most of the area north of Toronto is pretty green too, though we do have patches of snow here and there.

  2. I can see his house is decorated too! ;-)

  3. First off, it looks like you don't need to come to Florida - it must be plenty warm up there! :-)

    Secondly, I really like this 'cause as you say it's so different and how can anyone not like Snoopy.

    By the way, I have an original drawing of Snoopy done by Mr. Schultz in about 1954 in Minneapolis...he spoke at a banquet and I asked him to draw Snoopy on the back of the banquet program and he did!

  4. Love Snoopy and Woodstock! Not the usual Christmas fare for the lawn ornaments, I agree, but still nice to see them.

  5. Hee Hee, brings a smile to ones face for sure, but goodness, green lawn in December. Hard to believe.

  6. What would the holidays be without these two.

  7. Cute - and no snow is a good thing! One of the reasons I like the coast, we rarely have a white Christmas.

  8. I would love to have one of these.

  9. Haha love Snoopy and Woodstock, their little blow up doggy house looks great against that green green grass, wonder if it's possible it will still snow Red!

  10. Snoopy with a Santa hat is perfect for the holidays.

  11. Cute! :-)

    Several people have complain about the window that opens when you click on 'comments'. I don't see it on my computer and don't know what to do... Can you please block the URL? Maybe this will help. Sorry about this...

  12. Snoopy should get himself inside where it is at least dry!
