Monday, January 23, 2012

Jimi & Bob In Koreatown

This pub just off Bloor St in Koreatown certainly grabs your attention with this large mural with images of Jimi Hendrix & Bob Dylan. Since the pub caters to the university student crowd it's interesting that 2 oldies were chosen for the mural!
Taking part in Monday Murals. For more murals click here.


  1. It's cool to see them so young in this mural!
    The building has nice details too. ;-)

  2. I go to that part of town often and I've never noticed this mural. I need to keep my eyes open! Really nice shot.

  3. I like that mural. Around 1965 Bob Dylan used a Toronto backup band Levon and the Hawks. The Hawks were at one time a backup for Ronnie Hawkins. They were all part of the Yonge Street strip. That's your trivia for today.

  4. Perhaps the reason these "oldies" were chosen is that there are no current or recent artists that can compare in talent or influence.

    I like the name, but I'm not sure what it means...

    Must be cool; everyone's bundled up!

  5. Another fab Toronto mural pic RedPat.

  6. Great mural. Good artist, those are really wonderful images.

  7. I think these two might just be timeless!

  8. Jim and Bob - now there's a pairing! Nucely seen, and shot, R$ed.

  9. Looks great! I guess any self-respecting University student would be familiar with these now "classic" singers...

  10. Thanks to their moms and dads probably :)
    Nice one Red Pat !

  11. Wait a minute; what do you mean "oldies'? Wasn't it just a few years ago we were listening to Purple Haze and Maggie's Farm on our record players? It seems like it. This is a wonderful capture. I guess there are some who maintain their hipness no matter how many decades pass. Thanks for participating in Monday Mural, RedPat.

  12. My brother was obsessed with Hendrix back in the day, whenever I hear one of his songs, it takes me back to those memories. Dylan is still going strong today. I love this mural!

  13. Who are you calling old? I resemble that! This is pretty cool. In my wastrel days, I would have visited this pub.

  14. That is too cool! Your right though, not something I would expect to see.

  15. Interesting place to sip a Blue Light!

  16. Not sure how Halcyon missed this work. Very cool.

  17. Oldies, but without doubt 'classics' Red. I reckon most uni students would know them still!
