Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Junction Trains

The Junction is a neighbourhood in west Toronto so named because it is situated at the junction of 4 major railway lines and to emphasize that the local business improvement association has had these train lights installed on the lamp poles along Keele St. This had been a major manufacturing area and a booming community in the 1800s but the depression was hard on the area and it never recovered from it until after 2000 when a prohibition on alcohol which had been in place since 1904 was reversed (it was the last dry area in Toronto). Since then there has been an explosion of trendy little restaurants, boutiques, and artist-owned shops - gentrification begins!


  1. Cool train light (and I think the public transport system tell s a lot about the city)!
    I hope you show us more shots of this neighbourhood soon. ;-)

  2. Now that's a great idea, I like that neon!

  3. I lived in the Junction during some of those dry years (from 1986 to around 1992). It was indeed a little sad and decrepit. I have been back a few times to see the changes and wish I could be in my old house again!

  4. Impressive lights, looks like they are trying to regenerate the neighbourhood with some imagination.

  5. Well cheers to gentrification. What a really great sign, so creative, so progressive, just really, really neat.

  6. Gentrification depends on a little booze...interesting. I'll drink to that!

  7. It's good to read of a neighborhood working its way out of the doldrums.

  8. Sounds like a great place to visit and spend some time in. NIce capture, Pat.

  9. Great depiction of an old steam train, steamin' and a rollin'!

  10. I can't believe there was a prohibition on alcohol right up until 2000 in this area Red. Love the sign but love it more that I get to learn new and interesting info from all over the world everyday!

  11. Cool sign! Where exactly is the Junction?
