Thursday, January 26, 2012

Snowy Mystery Shot

Did you ever take a shot because it looks interesting only to come back to the computer and find that the pic looks like something else entirely? Well, I took this shot while out wandering in a light snowfall and when I looked at it later it looked to me like one of Randy's (from Santa Fe DP) cliff shots rather than the stump of a white elm tree that has been in our local park for a few years! Agree or disagree.


  1. Yes, I did, many times!
    You're right, I agree with you. Besides that, for me snowy shots are always cool. ;-)

  2. The first thing I thought was it's a stump. But it does look nice in the snow! :)

  3. At first I thought it was one of those flat-topped mountains seen in the west...and that the photo was taken from a long distance. But then I noted some figures in the background which put a sense of scale into the photo. It's a great photo, though. Crop the background out and do frame it and hang it as a "mystery" photo and see what people think!

  4. I even see a face..

  5. It looks like it could fit right into Kurt Russell's movie The Thing.

  6. Yes, it could be a Western landscape.

  7. Agree! Especially if you were to crop out the top bit so it lost its context.

  8. I actually did crop out the top first and then decided to leave it in to provide context and scale.

  9. Yes, indeed, Pat. I have often shot macros and then afterwards tried to remember what they were. By habit I now shoot a long shot to orient me and then do the macros.
    I picked stump in snow straight away! :-)

  10. haha, yes, agreed.
    This would be a cool cliff shot!

  11. It looks like a stump to me, but if you had cropped it a little lower to eliminate the things at the top left, I think you would have had the Randy cliff effect.

  12. I was just about to say the same thing Jack said. If you had cropped the top, I would have been willing to think it was a mountain, but with the background I knew it was a stump in the snow.
    Nice shot, however.

  13. That does look like some of our snow covered mountains. I love it.

  14. Great shot anyway Red, but I agree the top corner has to be cut!! Gosh we're a critical bunch haha!

  15. ... Or a volcano in the Andes. :-)

  16. Happens all the time, love this though, you are right it looks like a flat topped snow covered volcano.

  17. Definitely an interesting and beautiful shot Red Pat..! Have a nice weekend..

  18. This is so cool looking RedPat.

    Thanks for you kind thoughts.
