Monday, January 2, 2012

Super Infill House

The neighbourhood north of Lawrence between Bathurst St & Avenue Rd has been totally overrun by often horrible mega-houses which have replaced block after block of cute little bungalows. This house occupies a largish corner lot (with little backyard stream) that had one of those bungalows but instead of a contractor-designed replacement, an architect was hired and the home was designed to the owners specs. I have been inside this one and it is spectacular - indoor squash court, interior catwalks, moveable walls, great art etc! Love it! I took this pic in Nov when we still had a few leaves & flowers.


  1. This house has style!
    Very modern and surrounded by trees, cool! ;-)

  2. I'm sure it's amazing inside but it looks more like a commercial building than a domestic one.

  3. Lucky you to have seen the inside of this house. I always enjoy seeing how other people live. Just call me nosy.

    However, I do feel the super huge houses popping up everywhere are grotesque. NO one needs that much space. Really they don't.

  4. If the choice for urban living is an artless megamansion or this house, I am for this house. It does have style. But, I think there are other options.

  5. It really looks rather weird from the outside with all those different angles and colors and glass...

    But, at the same time, it intrigues me!

    Probably cost a small fortune, too, right?

  6. It sounds fabulous inside but I'm not sure I would want my dream house to look like an office block from the outside.

  7. I am often drawn to this unique modern homes. but I prefer the old bungalows.

  8. I'm not so fond of it, to be honest. I like more traditional homes. But I'm sure the owners must enjoy all of those amenities.

  9. Clean lines and very contemporary. I could live there!

  10. Clean lines and very contemporary. I could live there!

  11. So sleek and modern... no my style, but it is for some...

  12. Too modern for me. It looks more like an office building.

  13. Catwalks?!? Perhaps Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell & Gisele Bundchen, Linda Evangelista etc are all frequent visitors?

  14. It is very severe from the outside Red, but I'd have to reserve my judgment, the inside sounds fabulous!!

  15. Oh I do love this one too! It is kind of art deco and modern at the same time. Very nice.

  16. I can easily imagine how the interiors must be great. Really nice architecture.

  17. A bit boxy from the outside, but when one lives in a house one looks at it more inside than outside...
    The touches of yellow of the leaves and the trees soften the harsh orthogonals of the building.
