Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It's So Cold That .....

It's so cold here today that even some of the little steel creatures atop a fence surrounding a local house are wearing scarves! There are over a dozen of these wee things (cats, coyotes, elephants, etc) scattered along the fence but only the dog & mouse are dressed for the weather. It is -15˚C with a windchill of -26˚C just after noon - going up to -13˚C this afternoon!


  1. Love these cute creatures, you know I'm a dog person!
    Because of you and your blog, Toronto joined my list of places to visit. But obviously, I would never go during winter (to tell you the truth I know it's too cold, but I have no idea what is -15˚C). ;-)

  2. He even looks like he's shivering!

  3. I didn't sign up for this! I want a refund!! ;)

  4. Such considerate owners must live here.

  5. WOW - that is cold! Love the scarfs, such whimsy.

  6. How very sensible of the Dog & Mouse to dress for the weather!

  7. Very funny! I thought our weather was cold, but after reading about yours, I shall not complain.

    Of course we are suffering from a Canadian cold front so I don't think that's very nice. :-)

    It was so cold this morning I couldn't play golf. Very serious cold1

  8. Yep it sure was cold. Actually it was 2 or 3 degrees colder in Newmarket than in Toronto. I don't think that's fair. :))

  9. Brrrr... that's cold... no wonder they need scarves..lol! Love that you saw that and shared with us!

  10. That is too cute. I want one of those!

  11. I think the dog needs more than that scarf to keep warm, I passed by close to you yesterday on the 407 on my way to London,,,M

  12. Hat, scarf and gloves weather I think!

  13. I shall get the wife knitting, he needs more than a wooly scarf!

  14. Very cute Red, matching scarves!! They need overcoats too.

  15. Too cold and still no snow. This is not an enjoyable winter.
    Those bescarved animals are cute.

  16. No wonder you are drawn to this sign. I know little about Korean food, but I bet it is really good. Nice sign. genie

  17. Really cute! -15ºC? I have no idea what the feeling must be... I believe my worst experience was -6ºC in Madrid. It was also very cold in southern Argentina, especially when you got close to glaciers but that was fun! :-)
