Sunday, January 8, 2012

White Squirrel Coffee Shop

It was 0˚C here today but really sunny so lots of people were out wandering along West Queen St West (which is the hipper section of Queen St West) although most of us were on the sunny side of the street unlike this brave soul who sat in the shade drinking his coffee and reading the paper. This "White Squirrel Coffee Shop" is directly across the street from Trinity Bellwoods Park which is famous in the city for its colony of white squirrels none of whom seemed to be out today - too many people with dogs in the park. I thought that Jack from Hartford would like to see a white squirrel but it will have to be another time!


  1. That's a fantastic looking street!

  2. This is a very nice urban shot Redpat!
    I love the colourful shpos, the blue bench and the style of the guy reading the newspaper!
    Well done! ;-)

    P.S. It's 30°C here. :)

  3. Such a colorful street, love it! I bet Jack would've loved to have seen a white squirrel.

  4. I have never seen these elusive white squirrels, so if you find one I hope you post it!

  5. I would love to see a white squirrel too. :))

  6. I might be nuts but I'd like to see a white squirrel. I've seen black squirrels in Colorado and our critters which are brown/gray...

    You Toronto folks must be way would I be sitting outside reading a paper in that weather. I wouldn't even play golf...oh, wait ... I better not say that...

  7. Wonderful day..Wonderful photo!

  8. Ahem. We have talked about &%&^%*&t squirrels before, haven't we?

  9. Very inviting shopfront and sign! Great shot!

  10. I can't even imagine 0C Red, but I think this chap looks nice and cosy in his hat, scarf and coat. Oh I love cold weather. Great composition of this shot, interesting looking street, all those colourful doorways!!

  11. Right across the street? Then I'd say that's a perect name for that coffee shop.

  12. I wonder where this white one built its nest! :-)

  13. Don't think we have white ones here. Just grey and red to my knowledge

  14. What a colouful street and a nice angle for the shot. I watched a local grey squirrel grab a used coffee cup this week, stick it's head inside, then run off with the cup. Not sure if it liked coffee or wanted to shred the cup for bedding!

  15. That is a brave guy -- too cold to be outside just sitting.

  16. That is a brave guy -- too cold to be outside just sitting.

  17. Wonderful relaxed atmosphere, nice colors and reflection. The coffee must be good there.
