Monday, February 20, 2012

All In A Row

I happened upon this cute little mural and was struck by how different it was from the usual images that I find in laneways in that it looked so friendly. It was a really sunny day and so nature added the tree shadow which goes perfectly with the rest of this one. Love it! Couldn't find out who the artist is (yet).
Taking part in Monday Murals. For more murals click here.


  1. redpat, you have a great eye for finding wonderful treasures. you make me want to walk the city with my eyes truly open. i love how gentle a mural this is. so many murals are so full of energy that they can provide fodder for access like tagging and destruction. great find, thanks.

  2. You're right, it's not quite Banksy's style, is it?! Nice find though:-)

  3. This truly is different from anything else you've posted here. Cute.

  4. Love it. The simple lines and the choice of tones rather than colors, makes for such a pleasant moment.

  5. Very nice, let's hope people can leave it like that and not destroy it.

  6. Now this is a mural I might be able to do myself. Well, maybe not. Cute.

  7. Great finding and wonderful shot!
    Love it!
    Thanks for sharing. And thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment;o)

    Happy day****

  8. Nice find! ... and to futher Alan's thought - it's Banksy at age 10!

  9. It brought a smile to my face...wonder what all those other little faces represent? I like the lamp posts!

  10. Oh yes, this is a lovely mural, I like it a lot! Nice find!

  11. Simple but good. Keep on clicking.

  12. This cute mural made me smile. :)

  13. I am attracted by the simplistic style of this one. And the shadows are a great addition to the scene.

  14. I like this one too! You sure caught the shadows from the tree perfectly!

  15. Very sweet image. Who hasn't wished they could fly with the birds and then rest on the wires taking in the view? A charming post for this week's Monday Mural. Thanks for participating.

  16. Of all of the ones you have shared, this is my favorite.

  17. that is just very cute, indeed. reminds me of a dutch illustrator for children's books. a little bit. fiep westendorp, i think.

  18. It does indeed look friendly! Nice find!

    «Louis» thanks you for visiting San Francisco Bay Daily Photo.

  19. It all sits together perfectly!

  20. Yes, yes, this is a delight, Pat. Such understated art. I bet it is executed by someone in the stealth of night, and you will find more around the streets once you find a name. Such a unique style, when others are so derivative.

  21. I like it, it's not loud or brash and in your face like some can be.. well found Red.

  22. I like the simplicity of this cute mural.

  23. oh, this is so sweet.
    I quite like the silhouettes too.
    what an artistic city!

  24. This is nice, and also cute!:)
