Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Classic Clock

This lovely little clock is on an old bank building that has been marred by the addition of those ugly, cheap, back-lit signs used on stores everywhere but fortunately they left the clock and the surrounding details alone. I drive by this place all the time and only noticed the clock surround a few weeks ago so quickly pulled over for a pic. And the clock was right on time!


  1. Nice things should be kept forever. ;-)

  2. The overall shape plus those ornate swags and and the rope surround make it look like a giant version of a fancy mantlepiece clock. Well spotted.

  3. Kudos to whoever keeps the clock ticking accurately!

  4. I was going to say that if you've driven by here a lot it's about time you took this shot. On your lunch hour?

  5. Love the name of the place as well, conjures up some wonderful English jam. I'm with EG - Kudos to whoever keeps it running on time.

  6. Actually "Davenport & Dovercourt" is the intersection where this building is located.

  7. A really nice shot here, the architecture of the building is really nice. People often have a tendency of ruining old building by sticking on modern signs and lights.
    FAB as usual

  8. It is very effective. Have you looked closely at the lettering of the sign? That is also pretty nicely done.

  9. I like the details around the clock.

  10. Looks like a giant clock sat on top of a mantelpiece!

  11. I'm always surprised how often we do walk by huge clocks without seeing them.

  12. There just aren't enough public clocks around any more. Was this one showing the correct time?

  13. Old banks are some of most intereting buildings to be found - and you're right, a lot of them have been desecrated.
