Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Backyard Dragon

I was walking along the street and happened to look down a driveway and spotted this large (taller than me) dragon carved into a stump in a backyard. Being much braver than when I first started blogging, I headed down the driveway and into the yard. The piece is signed by artist Jim Menken who I have discovered is a chainsaw carver who lives just outside of Toronto. It made my day!


  1. Wow that is nice! A find like that would make my day too .... and it gives me anj idea for a post of my own.

  2. It's a fantastic work!
    I love when I go gout to take pictures and find something unexpected! ;-)

  3. Ah great find, good pic too, difficult to choose the best angle.

  4. It would also, make my day if I photographed it.

  5. Super discovery! It would have made my day too.

    Interesting how photography makes us a bit braver than we once were!

  6. How do they do that? What a fine piece of work out in the open for everyone to enjoy! Kudos to Jim Menken!

  7. I smiled about your bravery! Funny how we not only learn lots about photography but we learn bravery! Wonderful!

  8. That wouldnt last two minutes in some areas in the UK, someone would have chopped it down and taken it to put in their house.
    Good find though.

  9. I was going to mention about the tree carvings in Orangeville -I have a bunch still to post. But I see you have already been introduced to Menken's work. This one is great for the year of the dragon!

  10. It is a nice advertisement for his art.

  11. Oh, yes, as VioletSky said, perfect for the year of the dragon. Congratulations on your newfound bravery. Soon you'll be a dragon for photography!

  12. That's quite interesting. I've never seen anything like that! Glad you caught it.

  13. They are amazing, like tree tattoos!

  14. my goodness. I can't imagine he used a chainsaw for this one.
    Wonderful catch!

  15. It is gorgeous, how fun to trip over something so unexpected. Perfect post for Chinese New Year too!

  16. That's a very cool carving -- talented man. I was taking pictures of a stranger's yard last summer - from the homeowner's driveway -- and when she came out of the house looking a little crabby I said 'just taking a picture of your beautiful dogwood tree for my blog.' She said 'oh OK then! ;>)

  17. Some people are just so very talented. Fabulous find Red.

  18. It's a great work! The texture of the dragon is so different. Is it painted?
