Thursday, February 16, 2012


I discovered these fabulous steel sculptures on the 14th floor roof of the atrium of Princess Margaret Hospital while visiting someone. There are 25 of these life-size figures scattered about on the flat area around the skylight of the atrium - all in motion of some kind such as dancing, running. stretching, etc. They can be viewed from all the floors above that and from the roof top patio. It took a while but I found that Canadian artist William Lishman did the original clay models and then Richard Vanheuvelan and Lishman's son Geordie produced them in steel. They are supposed to show what the healthy body can do and be an inspiration to the patients.
Enlarge for a better view.


  1. What a surprise! I had no idea they were there!

  2. I like! And I think they would be uplifting for the patients...they're happy figures!

    Re your comment on Ocala: The kid had no clue what he was doing. Fortunately, he let us go without too much delay!

  3. They're really nice! I agree, the patients must really enjoy these. A nice touch of the hospital.

  4. Decidedly different! - though 25 of them certainly makes a statement. Nice find.

  5. These are great! The motion is joyous. Bravo!

  6. Wow - glad I enlarged the photo. Those are stunning, and they are so animated, not just their movement but the expressions on the faces. Absolutely delightful.

  7. How beautiful to inspire in a hospital.

  8. It is nice to find surprises like this.

  9. I'm sure they are much more than an inspirantion to the patients!
    I like the dancing sculptures. ;-)

  10. Wonderful! I'm sure they provide some much-needed cheeriness.

    PS: I thought you'd like FIDO!

  11. Are they actually lifesize or minature figures? Either way they look amazingly detailed.

  12. Wow, I think I have a healthy body Red, but there are some of those moves that are tricky, haha. Great find.
