Monday, March 26, 2012

Jail Birds

This has to be one of my all-time favourite murals which I found yesterday in a laneway/alley behind Queen St West. Enlarge to see the funny details the artist has put on the birds behind bars - tattoos, shackles, bird detective, etc. I have come across a lot of these canary paintings but haven't found out the artist yet - will keep trying.
Update - the artist is UB5000 (aka Allan Ryan)
Taking part in Monday Murals. For more murals click here.


  1. Great mural, and if they painted it through the bars I am seriously impressed!

  2. Jailbirds? Clever idea, putting the birds behind bars!

  3. That is a totally awesome idea. you got some wickedly good murals where you live, and some even more talented people

  4. It's so cool to see a creative work like this mural! ;-)

  5. I think this is great, one of my favorites too!

  6. These are fabulous! Love the martini drinking, cigarette smoking sheriff too. Someone really has some talent. Great capture.

  7. The whole thing is a riot! I've never seen birds playing harmonicas or banjos before! It's the kind of mural you can spend some time with and still walk away feeling good!

    Good job finding this one!

  8. Do you think this mural was painted in place, behind bars?

  9. Hysterical. You can almost hear the lonesome sound of the harmonica. Love the tattoo. This artist has seen a lot of prison movies. Each movie cliche is lovingly and humorously included for our amusement. Thanks, Pat, for participating in this week's Monday Mural.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. ...And the cool cat lighting a cigar waits patiently for the jailbirds to get out... HAHAHAHA!

  12. Excellent find Red, love the 'cool' bird on the floor in the sunnies!!
