Tuesday, March 27, 2012

"Walkin My Dog"

This is another mural that I discovered on my Sunday travels along the laneways/alleys of Queen St West and it is by the same artist as yesterday's - UB5000. This piece is really large - the bottom of it starts at the 2nd floor of the building and the top bird is sitting on a 4th floor window sill! Once again you can see all the neat details he put into his pieces - the top bird wearing a Blue Jays hat, the girl's headphones hooking into a pre-existing utility box on the wall, etc. Love it!


  1. Lovely, fun(ny), creative, it's my favourite here so far! :)

  2. I wonder what the logistics are for painting something like this? This one is really cute!

  3. Great spot RedPat, the girl reminds me a young Debbie Harry.

  4. wow! this artist has such a great sense of humour and he certainly can paint. both of his murals are so narrative. love them. great finds red pat

  5. This is great! I think this might be my favorite and I said that on the last one!

  6. This one is very clever indeed! I like it.

  7. This artist is amazing. Again, such a great sense of humor besides. Your comments about the Morphosis building at U of Toronto was fascinating. I guess their work is an acquired taste.

  8. I like this one a LOT - the drawing, the colours, the caption.

  9. I think UB5000 has fun painting these murals.

  10. These are such fun Red, so great to discover.
    p.s. peanut butter toast, yummy!

  11. You know, I really did not realize there were so many wonderful murals, graphic wall art in the city!

  12. Wonderful, I like the bold and naive, childlike style. Exposed brickwork around a mural gives it a gritty urban feel I think.

  13. Excellent! How does one manage such a large piece of work on a wall? It's a mystery to me.

    I like all of it, but the little bird on the window is priceless!

    Very cheerful and funky post. Merci!

  14. Cute! Really dresses up that boring brick wall...

  15. Love this guy's stuff. Likely to make people laugh out loud, which is a pretty cool thing.
