Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Tax Revolt?

No - it was simply a marketing scheme at Loblaws this past Saturday. Loblaws is the largest grocery store chain in Canada with over 1,000 stores and offered a break from our sales tax on Saturday only. In Ontario we pay 13% sales tax (VAT) on practically all non-food items and services so it could add up to real savings if you pick the right purchases, e.g. soaps, light bulbs, etc. It was the striking array of yellow signs that caught my attention however!
Taking part in Signs, Signs. For more signs click here.


  1. No tax sounds quite appealing. doesn't it? I guess they figured one sign wasn't exciting enough. :))

  2. I like the idea of a tax revolt even better!

  3. Hope you took advantage of the tax break RedPat.

  4. I thought at first this had something to do with the budget...!

  5. Good photo Pat! Is Dalton McGuinty aware of this?

  6. a great day to shop! did you?
    we pay 12% VAT including gas, electricity and other services.:(

  7. that is the day to shop. how often do they have this promotion?

  8. Good marketing ploy. We have a 10% Goods and Services Tax (GST = your VAT), but generally food items are excluded (except if the food is ready to consume as in a restaurant r a take-away place.

  9. darn, I missed this opportunity!

  10. Wow you have 13% that is a lot! And wish we do not have tax in all form, shapes and kinds lol!! Like this sign too.


    Hi Pat, come and join me at

    Water World Wedneday

  11. Great "bring you in" ploy by the grocers. I love repetition, so love this photo.

  12. VAT here is 20% - you've got it lucky!

  13. Yup, 20%, even in Scotland. Emigrating...

  14. Wow and I complain about my 7.4% tax....

  15. Darn it! I usually watch out for these so I can stock up on detergent and such. :) Hopefully there will be another one soon!

  16. Great idea!
    But it would never happen here... :(

  17. So, what are you doing here? Quick! Get to Loblaws and load up on staples.

  18. Holy Toledo! 13% sales tax?! O.0
    And I complain about 9.5%. Guess I'll quit griping, especially now that I see Linda and Gerald (above) pay 20%.

    I hope you had a rewarding shopping trip!

  19. Och aye indeed, 20% in Scotland and similar in most parts of Europe too.

  20. You composed this perfectly...the eye cannot help but follow that row of signs. And Loblaws was smart knowing this display would catch peoples' attention!

    I've not heard of a scheme where one does not pay sales tax except here in Florida every fall of late the state has called a tax holiday which usually lasts a week and its for people who are buying school supplies.

    Considering the state of our state checkbook, it's a pretty stupid thing to do.

  21. What a great idea, I hope you got to the shops pronto Pat, let's face it we pay enough taxes to warrant a small break now and then! I like the way they're totally making sure everyone gets the message! Nicely shown.

  22. lines of signs appears to be the new way to display
    funny, here all the tax services are advertising like this at every mall since 4/15 is when our yearly taxes are due

    the building in the distance looks pretty
