Sunday, April 1, 2012

Grand Palmerston

This is probably the grandest of the homes along Palmerston Blvd and as is typical of the large houses along this street the facade has changed little since construction in the early 1910s. First an area of upper middle class families, as the years passed and families were smaller most of the houses were divided into apartments as this one has been. This is now being reversed and many of the homes are reverting to single family dwellings. If you look up the left side of the pic you can see one of the laneway buildings that I have shown before - the side towards the house is quite tidy and nice but as we have seen the side towards the lanes are usually left fairly unadorned to say the least!


  1. I'm sure the apartments are very nice and cozy! ;-)

  2. She's a beauty - whenever I go back to Ontario I shoot a few of these big old homes, they're lovely subjects.

  3. What a fantastic looking building, packed full of character.

  4. Isn't it fascinating that the apartment buildings are reverting back to single-family homes? I wonder why we need more space. Hmmm.

  5. This is grand old house indeed, love it. I am glad you mentioned the laneway house in the back. I didn't realize they were so close. If it becomes a single family home again, let's hope your laneway neighbor is nice.

  6. Great old house, love all the windows, must be very light and airy inside.

  7. It is a beauty, RedPat. Loved your comment today!

  8. Gorgeous, and what an undertaking to reverse back to single family homes. Wonder how many bathrooms they left?

  9. A very beautiful regal home! I wonder if it will be fully restored inside?

  10. Lovely, Pat! It's interesting how with the large families in the past, big houses were need. Nowadays with the nuclear family, apartments are enough to live in. However, as people's affluence increases, greater spaces to live in seem de rigueur, if nothing else for ostentation.

  11. It's super fancy! I love the street light in front too.

  12. What a grand structure! So glad that it wasn't torn down in a festering storm of "modernism." Lovely photo, too!

  13. Now that's what I call 'adaptable' Pat, changing with the times. I do like the old fashioned 'stoop' at the front.

  14. I actually live in this home - that top balcony is ours - a very interesting house to say the least. Can't tell you how many times I've seen people stopped taking pictures of it while I'm up eating lunch on the balcony! There's 8 units in the main building and two in the back, if anyone was curious!
