Saturday, April 7, 2012

Waiting For The Gun To Go Off

This is the middle of the pack of 5,000 runners waiting for the start of today's "Harry's Spring Run Off" 8 km run to raise money for fighting prostate cancer which marks the unofficial start of the running season in Toronto. The Spring Run Off has taken place in High Park for well over 20 years and today must have been the best weather for it in a long time! I have shown you some of the sculptures that are installed in the park before.


  1. It's cool to see so many people supporting this cause!
    It's a beautiful day here too (30°C)!
    Have a very sweet Easter dear RedPat! :)

  2. Were you running, too, RedPat, or just wielding the camera?

  3. A worthy cause, and well supported.

  4. Cool!
    Have a great weekend Red Pat :)

  5. Good thing you took a view from the side - you don't want to be in front of 5000 people when the gun goes off! :)

  6. That's a nice group of folks! Lois Anne is a runner and has won some 50 races ... but she's just running for fun these days, which is good for me 'cause I used to follow her on a bike when she trained and I got tired when she'd run 20 miles training for a marathon! :-)

    Were you running?

  7. Nice shot. Looks like a great turn out.

  8. Hopefully lots of money was raised!

  9. No I was not running - I was support crew - holding backpacks, cheering, and taking a few pics!

  10. Great event, would have expected to see more Bunny Ears - most runners around here think costumes are required :-).

  11. I love it when so many people get involved in causes like this, it's very inspiring! What an amamzing turnout Pat.
