Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Zip Cars

Zip Cars is one of 2 auto-sharing programs available in Toronto - the other one is Auto Share. Both operate the same way, you pay for an annual membership and then you can pick up a car or truck at various locations around the city (but mostly downtown in the city core) and then you pay an hourly or daily fee depending on your needs. It is the same as the bike sharing programs in many cities although you can reserve a car by phone or on-line and also check where the nearest vehicle is available. It works well for the many downtown people who have no cars!
Taking part in Signs, Signs. For more signs click here.


  1. is a cool idea. i'm thinking if it would work here.

  2. I know people who use this a lot (being very fortunate to live opposite a location!) - what a great idea and so much cheaper than owning and maintaining a car.

  3. Great idea, but it's a pity it wouldn't work here... ;-)

  4. I don't participate in this kind of arrangement, but it would be perfect for those who live in the densely packed centers of cities.

  5. I think it's a great plan. If I lived in Toronto I would use this form of transportation as it makes such good sense to me.

  6. We need to bring this idea to the UK, that is awesome.

  7. Great idea, should be set up in all big cities.

  8. I commend the city of Toronto for this wonderful program; the citizens must be upstanding people. I cannot imagine that this would work even in our little town of Ocala. We are infested with self-centered greed which has consumed so many. Our people, including or especially, our religious people live by the rule that the ends justify the means. And the "ends" generally works to their personal benefit!

    Does that sound a bit cynical? You bet!

  9. Sounds like an excellent program.

  10. We have both programs here as well, however, I have noticed that they are the worst drivers. I think they drive so infrequently that they become hazards on the roads when they finally do get behind the wheel :-).

    Love their green though.

  11. A wonderful idea! I imagine when you finish driving you need to fill the tank before handing back the car on top of the hourly fee!

  12. I have seen a few of these zipping along the streets. I think it is a great idea.

  13. I have never heard of these programs, but they certainly make a lot of sense. I like the logo on the sides of the cars. You cannot miss it. genie

  14. This is a great program, But it may not work for other cities.

    Before I owned a car, it was not a problem for me because Los Angeles public transportation system is at times efficient.

  15. What a great idea for inner city dwellers. Honestly it's the first time I've seen this idea, I wonder if happens anywhere else! Interesting post Pat.

  16. It's a good idea, but I still like having my own wheels. :)

  17. We have a few of those here too. Never used them but maybe one day

  18. We have a city car club in Edinburgh. We're thinking of joining it once both children are away from home.

  19. Amazing idea! Toronto obviously knows how to do it.

  20. Great idea that we also have here in Melbourne.
