Friday, June 8, 2012

Graphic Whimsy

Since the purpose of the Native Child and Family Services of Toronto is to provide support for children and their families it seems only suitable that every effort has been made to make an environment that is child-friendly. One way this has been accomplished is with the super graphics that have been applied to all the glass office partitions that line the hallways. They all feature native animals (and often their footprints) in a style suitable to a space serving many different First Nations.  I loved the little creatures (caribou?) on this door and the little paw prints heading towards it from the right!  


  1. This is great, something interesting to look at as you enter each room. Good for children's imaginations too.

  2. I love it when creativity is part and parcel of design. So many times the things that bring great big smiles to our faces are axed in budget meetings. This is just divine.

  3. It's good to know they thought in every detail. :)

  4. This is a very impressive organization and their building illustrates well the mindset that puts the well-being of human lives before all the extraneous stuff that so often bogs down well-meaning groups!

  5. Whimsical. I don't think they would seem right at any place I have worked!

  6. I love it and the paw prints in the bottom.

  7. I love it when thought is given to how the customer/clinent/visitor or guest will feel when in the service or business space.

    This group as done the same thing as the hospital I featured this week.

    Great Capture.

  8. Left facing, right it...and the paw prints too.

  9. Very clever graphics and very appealing especially for children.

  10. It adds such a nice little touch Pat, they really have though of everything.

  11. This is wonderful, I simply love it. The bunny on the next post is also very cool.

  12. I like the attention to detail in this place!
