Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Longhouse

Probably the most impressive feature of the Native Child and Family Services of Toronto building is the Longhouse which is located on the main floor. It is a contemporary interpretation of a canvas and bent willow teaching lodge that exists at Curve Lake with its size and shape being the same but the canvas has been replaced by cedar  and the framing is done like a geodesic dome. The floor is patterned after the traditional mats found in a longhouse and the lights were designed to cast a fireside ambience.  (The lights are actually made from recycled florescent tubes.)  The Longhouse can be set up for seating in circles or a long table can be erected down the centre. It is a gorgeous, special place. 


  1. It's amazing, they thought about every detail when the Native Child and Family Services of Toronto was created!
    It is a very special place indeed. :)

  2. That is one crazy looking room, its like something you would see in an Alice in wonderland scene. All you need is the little door at the end.
    Excellent work
    Shaun Valleys ShutterBug

  3. It does indeed look like a special place! I can almost smell that cedar from here.

  4. How very interesting...and it is truly a special place. The framing is spectacular. Is it used for educational sessions or meetings?

  5. Makes me think of a honeycomb, it looks great and oozes atmosphere.

  6. Beautiful!
    Thank you for sharing Red Pat!

  7. Fantastic room, great reinterpretation of a traditional design.

  8. It's gorgeous! I must visit this place at next year's Doors Open. :)

  9. It takes my breath away it is so gorgeous.

  10. It indeed does look like a special and peaceful place!

  11. Beautifully designed room, the lighting is doing exactly what is meant to do, create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Beautifully shown here Pat.

  12. I wonder if this is what the inside of your mind looks like with chairs all around for your ideas to sit in,,,M
