Thursday, June 28, 2012

Laneway Splendour

I have to admit that this view down a laneway gives me a lift and gets me running along to see what can be down there. It's a scene from the industrial past  for this area behind Queen St West which has seen much gentrification. The building on the left now houses a mainstream furnishings store after having been a very grotty live music venue for many years while the building on the right remains an artist studio building for the time being. Probably to become trendy lofts in the future! 


  1. It looks like an alley that I would take pains to avoid, especially at night! :-) But gentrification should help!

  2. I love when I find hidden alleys like this (if I have my camera with me, of course...)! ;-)

  3. Alleys can be some of the most interesting places..

  4. Yes it looks ripe for development!

  5. It's too bad this neigh hood is going high-end. It has a certain charm now that I think willbe lost.

  6. There certainly is a lot of potential here!

  7. You've given us the left and you've given us the right, but what are those 4 windows at the end? They'd be ripe for gentrification, from the look here.

  8. This alleyway really does invite exploration~ those loft condo things are definitely a city phenomonon !

  9. Paul - that is a type of 4 storey cat walk joining the 2 buildings - a remnant of years ago.

  10. I do enjoy old areas like this! Wonderful shot!

  11. Well, RedPat, this will probably not shock you, but you can put me in the column that supports reasonable gentrification and development of deteriorated neighborhoods. "Deterioration" is not a term of endearment for me . . .

  12. Oh love it, the bricks, the graffiti, looks like a great place to explore.

  13. Great angle! I'm all for the trendy lofts in a near future.

  14. I think this such a great place to take photos!

  15. I'd like to check it out at night.

  16. But what about the bit in the middle? Looks like it's hanging in mid air!

  17. Gentrification is great for the neighborhood but it's the old buildings and alleys that are great to photograph.

  18. When they turn the block on the right into apartments the furnishing store on the right should do really well hey Pat! Love exploring laneways (in the daylight) you just never know what you'll find!

  19. Nice one. Reminds me of some suburban lanes we have here.
