Wednesday, June 27, 2012

"Of All The Gin Joints...."

This mid 1960s low-rise apartment is a good example of what a good sign and name can do for you. Without the prominent Casa Blanca sign I'm not sure if you would look twice at it although it has a rather cool 60s vibe to it. I have been in one of the back apartments which face out (really closely) onto a hillside densely covered in trees and you feel like you are in a deep forest rather than downtown Toronto! 
Taking part in Signs,Signs. Click here for more signs.


  1. I think I would like one of those penthouse apartments!

  2. i'd love an apartment overlooking trees.:p nice name...

  3. Not only will the name help help out... so will a good paint job like this building.

  4. I too would opt for woods view than traffic view.


  5. I find the building quite attractive, partly perhaps, 'cause I'm still unsure whether we've made any progress musically, aesthetically, artistically, ethically, etc., since the 1960s!

  6. Well, the tree part is good. I am still waiting for a 60s or 70s vintage building to appeal to me.

  7. Very symmetrical looking building, doesn't it make you wish the utility lines were all underground though?

  8. The sign is understated and yet has enough attractive visibility to get attention! The balcony areas seem quite spacious!

  9. I think a good name does help indeed.

  10. I think it's kind of cool looking! I'd prefer looking into the trees, though, like my own personally tree house!

  11. Unusual name for the building as it is not a house, nor is it white, but it sounds good. Nice picture with interesting light.

  12. Of all the cities in the world.... I also would like a penthouse with a dense tree view!

  13. Without the penthouse even the name wouldn't make it attractive. And I'll opt for the back-side view also.

  14. feeling like I live in a forest would be wonderful
    I like the building
    that giant nest of wires sure does ruin the front view
    I've got a telephone pole right at the foot of my driveway so I know how that goes, at least it gives the birds a place to sit

  15. It's not so fancy from the outside, but I rather like the looks of it. Clean, classic lines and color. This kind of building doesn't go out of style. :)

  16. There is something about this place that appeals to me. I'd want to check out the apartments.

  17. Haha! looooove your title Pat, how cool would it be to have an address that included 'Casa Blanca' in it!!

  18. Yep - weird name, it obviously wasn't even white in the beginning, as it is brick, I too would love one of the penthouses, looks lie the have a nice deck to enjoy.

  19. If I lived in a place like this, I would take so many shots of the birds! ;-)

  20. I think it means "white house" actually in Spanish....but all anyone would think of is the movie.

  21. I prefer a long view to a view into forest. Yet out of the windows of our current home we do see mainly greenery, often with sun streaming through the foliage. Can't complain.

  22. This is a place that often hides treasures inside it. Some such apartments have wonderful interiors.
