Wednesday, July 18, 2012

General Electric Ghost Sign

When I first went to photograph yesterday's water tower I didn't realize that there was a ghost sign on it so this is a bonus. It reads "Canadian General Electric Company Limited Ward Street Works". I'm not sure how long ago this tower and sign were placed at this location but here's hoping they are there for a long time into the future. Although not occupied by GE any longer the building houses many small businesses - art studios, wood shops, film studios, etc so that it is providing a lot of work opportunities to the community.
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click here for more signs.


  1. Thats a smart tower, and the ghosting is spectacular.
    July Giveaway @ ValleysShutterBug

  2. Very interesting! I did not see the sign in your previous picture, either. I also hope they leave it alone. It's irreplaceable.

  3. Another great piece of history found!

    My SIGN.

  4. We have so few water tower in TO and to find one with a ghost sign!! that is way cool.

  5. Love those ghost signs! An imposing tower and cool that you got the bonus!

  6. Would look great if they repainted, including the sign of course.

  7. Cool! You should be on the "Ghost hunters" show - you find so many ghost signs! Ha ha!

  8. It's such a beautiful water tower - the ghost sign on it is an added bonus!!!

  9. What fun - so glad you captured it while it is still there. Love your shot.

  10. I didn't see the sign in the last photo. This makes it even better!

  11. Love the ghost sign, especially since at first you didn't know it was there.

  12. I love old ghost signs like this one. Wonderful find.

  13. A fine ghost sign discovery, RedPat.

  14. a neat find...who would notice ghost signs but bloggers?:p


  15. love these old ghost signs - oh and Luna's comment above mine is so true too.

  16. A ghost sign on an old water tower. Very cool!

  17. Wonderful find Pat, what a great way to advertise in days gone by!

  18. Fantastic, is that a little graffiti at the bottom?

  19. I LOVE ghost writing... and I love this capture!

  20. very cool!
    I just today found a ghost sign in the Distillery District and wondered how on earth I have missed it for all the times I have been there!

    sorry for my late visit - I'm moving and it is taking up a lot of time!

  21. I was an engineering trainee that worked at the GE Ward street Works in 1965. They manufactured wiring devices there like switches and receptacles plus stove top elements and car warmers. CGE was a wonder place to work at and I have many fond memories. The water tower picture is a wonderful reflection of a time that has passed. The Ward Street brick building had a lot of green ivy growing on it and also made a beautiful addition to the neighborhood.
