Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Wallace Ave Water Tower

You don't see too many of these old water towers about town any more but this one remains at what had been a Canadian General Electric building that has been converted into a variety of studios. This whole area which had been industrial has been converted to either studio or apartment/condo space. I showed an image of this tower in a nearby art installation 2 years ago - click here. I'll show a close-up of the tank tomorrow.


  1. I hope they leave it up. It's iconic and funky and great fun! I remember the first time I saw water tanks in Manhattan. Blew me away!

  2. Gorgeous building - but love the water tower - you are right you don't see many of them anymore -

  3. I'm a cynic - it's probably still there because it would cost to much to take it down!

  4. I really like the movement to convert warehouses and factories into living spaces. You can feel from your photo that the area is revitalized and the building sparkles in its revitalization. Hope the tower stays. Makes a good landmark.

  5. Wonder if the studio residents love it or hate it!

  6. A very cool building, and nicely photographed Pat!

  7. It is more than a little bit sad seeing the North American industrial base shrinking and the old buildings turned into residences. I would like to see a few more smokestacks churning out goods made on this continent by workers being paid a decent wage.

  8. It's certainly a towering tower, weather looks good too?!?

  9. Interesting water tower, there are still lots in NYC. I drove through Toronto Monday, buying leather, I was looking out the window watching to see if I could see you out shooting buildings or graffiti,,,M

  10. Those old water towers are so nostalgic!

  11. Like jack, i think it's great that they are doing something constructive with the old factory buildings but a shame about the businesses and jobs aspect. I vote the water tower stays!

  12. I hadn't given the missing water towers much thought until you mentioned it here. You are so right, you don't see these very often any longer.
