Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Lining Up For The Fringe Festival

This was the line-up yesterday for one of the Toronto Fringe Theatre Festival performances at the Tarragon Theatre. The festival runs for 12 days from July 4 - 15 and features over 150 artistic creations in dozens of venues, most of them theatres but some even take place in parking lots. With ticket prices no higher than $11, more than 90,000 people attend each year and with the sunny weather this year it is sure to be another success!


  1. The joys of living in a big city - lots of artsy things to choose from!

  2. I think this is a wonderful idea! Never heard of it before, though. What great fun and it's certainly understandable why so many people line up to participate.

  3. How fabulous they keep the ticket prices so low - Makes it accessible to most everyone that way.

  4. Great idea, nice to see it is so popular too.

  5. It's wonderful to have offerings that most people can afford to attend.

  6. This is something I would probably attend if I were in Toronto. My crystal ball tells me we will see more about this festival on your blog.

    Re my post today, it is neglect, not a plan. It is one of the poorest parts of the city and the city probably figures no one cares what it looks like.

  7. Looks like a popular festival.

  8. If I were there, I might be one of those people lining up. I know someone whose son travels all over for fringe festival productions.

  9. That's a great event! Accessible to almost everyone -- and yes, the joy of living in a real city!! (I'd settle for just visiting during this time.)

  10. Melbourne and Toronto have so much in common. We have a Fringe Festival over here as well and the street scene you have photographed could well be in one of our suburbs.

  11. Yup we do too here in Perth Pat, it's so great to have events like this when the weather is fine, it makes such a difference to the success of the venture.
