Monday, July 9, 2012

That Bird Again

I'm not sure if this mural/grouping found off Queen St West is new or that I just missed it before. It looks to me to be 3 different styles so maybe 3 artists although I know for sure that the little bird having a cuppa is another  UB5000 piece so he may have been involved in the whole thing. This piece is high on a wall with huge amounts of throw-up initials below it - this week I have cropped that out! 
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click here for more murals.


  1. Can't say this one does much for me, so maybe it's a good thing it's up high where I won't see it! :)

  2. Thank you for sharing Red Pat :)

  3. I rather like that humpty dumpty birdy.

  4. Love the varying styles here - lots of good talent - I am so in love with that little yellow bird - love whenever he pops up in your posts.

  5. Well, I do like the bird. No sure of the point of the rest of it. Interesting, though!

  6. wouldn't it be nice if this is indeed a collaboration. one artist paints a portion, then another takes off where the first one left off. so on and so forth. i really like that idea.

  7. I like the right hand side much more than the left.

  8. Yellow Bird leaning back and watching the action below makes me laugh. Smart bird staying out of the way of the pit bull. The other bird should take a lesson from Yellow Bird. Thanks, Pat, for contributing to Monday Mural.

  9. The bird seems to be enjoying himself!

  10. They can tell some interesting stories.

  11. Another interesting mural and I can see what you mean by 3 different styles.

  12. He sure gets around that little yellow bird Pat, hope he doesn't fall off the wall that's rather a mean looking wolfy thing down below!

  13. Not one of my faves but still it's fun to see.

  14. Oh I like this a lot! Especially the funny creatures on the right :-) Very funny. Thanks for sharing.
