Saturday, July 21, 2012

Seating At The Shanghai Cowgirl

You can't get much more retro than this - even the floors at the Shanghai Cowgirl look unchanged from the 50s. And check out the details on those booths! The food was a bit heavy for me but the service was great and the atmosphere was wonderful so I'll probably go back and maybe try a burger & fries out on their patio which I'll show you tomorrow.


  1. In just a few minutes, we're heading to a deli much like this one. Ours is probably not quite as retro but very nice and the food is good.

    It's a strange name, though: Shanghai Cowgirl. I wonder if there are any real Shanghai cowgirls? :-)

  2. Look at the gloss on those tales, and they are more than 50 years old.
    July Giveaway @ ValleysShutterBug

  3. I love this place, but think they should give it some overdue TLC. An overnight floor refinishing would do it a world of good.

  4. Looks like my kind of place - down market!

  5. I really like the look of this place.

  6. What's shanghai cowgirl? You've got me intrigued.

  7. Wow - even the hat/coat racks are still there. Those worn floors are gorgeous and I love your shot of the stools. Always fun to find these places.

  8. This looks like my kind of place for lunch. :)

  9. How cool that each table has it's own hat and coat rack! You found a great place here Pat.

  10. I love booths like these and the floor is beautiful.

  11. Looks like a place I would choose to visit.
