Sunday, July 22, 2012

Shanghai Cowgirl Patio

It was 35˚C the day I was at the Shanghai Cowgirl so I didn't sit out here to eat but I will be back to try it out another time since it looks so relaxing out there. Keeping with the whole 50s retro vibe of the place they even have a Schwinn coaster bike with streamers on the handlebars parked out there!


  1. I see no one was out there that day - A/C inside probably had a far more appealing draw. But I agree - some spring or fall day - looks like a fun place for a burger

  2. I was thinking how comfortable I would feel out there until you said 35°!!

  3. That's pretty warm. It is now officially summer here, too, with highs in the 90s. But we've had it nice up until just this past week.

    Lovely patio...but wait another month or so...

    My whole life revolved around my Schwinn bike back in the day...

  4. Don't they have sundaes on the menu?
    Once again you've found something red! Cool bike. ;-)

  5. Looks like they've put a lot of thought into this place Pat, a few more months and we'll be back to those temperatures too!

  6. Shanghai Cowgirl?! What a curious name.
