Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Hug A Tree Today

Today is National Tree Appreciation Day in Canada as I was informed on the radio this morning so I have pulled this shot of a cool tree trunk from my archives. This day is said to be "a celebration for all Canadians to appreciate the benefits provided by trees - clean the air, wildlife habitat, reducing energy demands, " etc.  I don't know what type of tree this is but there are many large ones growing along Davenport Avenue and I've always been fascinated by their bark. Hug a tree today!


  1. I heard that on the radio this morning too! Happy Tree Day. :D

  2. I love trees. nice shot of this one. Happy Tree Day! :)

  3. I applaud the sentiment, but I will wait until the rain stops!
    Some gels dressed up as Vikings too, watch out for them on the blog soon.

  4. OOPS! Looks like I missed the opportunity to post something about National Tree Appreciation Day!

    This trunk has wonderful texture.

  5. Some people use the term, "tree-hugger," derisively. But I've always thought it a complement for a tree-hugger is one who cares more about the environment than corporate profits.

    This is super shot! Reminds me of some of our wrinkled cypress trees. Can United Statians hug trees today, too?

  6. National Tree Appreciation Day?!? Geez, there's a day for everything - good thing we only have 365!

  7. Trees are so amazing. The bark is really interesting.

  8. Well that is just down right fun! Gorgeous tree shot too!

  9. Trees are so central to our lives in many ways. I think they deserve at least one day of recognition.

  10. These huge trees are impressive, great shot!

  11. Sounds like a great idea. I just went out and hugged the trees in my backyard.

  12. This is a huge looking tree, tricky one to hug I imagine!

  13. It would be nice if we didn't keep chopping them down to produce more and more junk mail, I'm definitely going to hug one tomorrow!!

  14. I'm not sure what it is either, but I like it! Maybe I'll go out in my backyard and hug one of my dogwood trees today.

  15. i love this photo! the texture and perspective are beautiful.
