Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Spread The Feeling

As a fervent peanut butter fan imagine my excitement when seeing this Kraft Peanut Butter Food Truck  heading into a local gas station. Apparently the truck has been touring across Canada throughout the summer serving peanut butter based goodies at various events. And I missed its stop here!
Taking part in Signs,Signs. Click here for more signs.

I seem to have been a day early with yesterday's tree post - today is Tree Appreciation Day in Canada so have another hug today!


  1. Teddy bears and peanut butter - I'm sold! ;-) We just returned from a trip out west (U.S.) and came across a delightful brand of peanut butter called "The Bee's Knees," which was peanut butter blended with honey. All one needs is a spoon!

    My signs are HERE.

  2. Oh gosh -- I'd probably have followed that truck to its next stop ;>) (Just finished my morning toast and peanut butter).

  3. I would have flagged the truck down! Hee hee! Nice catch!

  4. I did not know about this - those Kraft bears are so cute!

  5. I love peanut butter, all its myriad forms. Plus, I've heard it's very good for you and even though full of calories can help you lose weight. Chocolate is the same way. So, I'd say put lots of peanut butter on chocolate bars and enjoy!

    I took your advice but I'd already hugged a tree yesterday so I found a friend of mine who's dumb as a stump and gave him a quick hug. He just smiled and stared into space. ;-)

  6. I am the crunchy peanut butter fan. Love it.

  7. I'm a big fan of peanut butter too. :)

    Yes, today I attended a tree dedication ceremony, a Burr Oak in celebration of the Queen's Jubilee. :))

  8. I always have my daily peanut butter fix. Now you'll have to head to Halifax to catch it at its next stop?

  9. I don't like peanut butter, but I'd try it again if I saw this cute truck! ;-)

  10. Great sign! Thanks for dropping by and visiting.
    But I must be one of the few people who hate peanut butter with a passion!

  11. I love peanut butter - but I go in phases and usually stop for several months after od'ing on it!

  12. So love those little smiling bears and their spoons! Great idea for a truck traveller!

  13. I'm a peanut butter junkie - can't seem to go long without a hit (though I must say that the Kraft variety is not my choice in fixes).

  14. I'm afraid I'm one of the peanut-butter detesters - I'd sooner hug a tree.

  15. i'm a peanut butter fan, too. i even spread peanut butter on a banana.:p


  16. Those smiling bears seem to be the perfect mascots for this peanut butter truck.

  17. Now that's my kind of food truck!

  18. Lowell's idea of peanut butter on chocolate almost made me drool on my keyboard haha!

  19. What? You didn't knock on the door and ask for a handout? Well next time. I see you can follow it on twitter, maybe you will get a heads up that way next time.

  20. You could have had my peanut butter too - I'm allergic to peanuts. :(

  21. Hmmmm, never really got into peanut butter... Interesting marketing ploy.
