Thursday, September 13, 2012

Luxurious Modern Loo

Staying in the park, Jean Sibelius Square, from yesterday I though I'd show the architectural highlight of the park renewal - at least for me it is. This wonderful washroom pavilion replaces what had been a horrible, concrete, bunker-like structure that you knew you didn't want to enter! 


  1. It does look really nice! Love that wood on the outside. :)
    Let's hope it's as nice on the inside.

  2. Looks like a cross between a Japanese tea house and a petrol station! Wish we had nice new public facilities like this in the UK.

  3. One of the joys of living in T.O.

  4. Lets hope they keep it open! Here they close the public loo's over winter, which is a pain for an old guy on a bike!

  5. Very attractive. Such things are of immense importance and often don't receive the attention due them.

    BTW, I remembered why the name, Sibelius, was familiar to me: It's the last name of one of Obama's department heads!

  6. What a super nice loo. I almost would live there.;)

  7. That looks ....well, I was going to say inviting ... but maybe that isn't quite right in this instance. But it definitely does look like I wouldn't be afraid to go into it, which as you say isn't always the case with public "facilities." (And the older I get, the oftener those places matter ;>)

  8. (It takes so little to make you happy, RedPat!)

  9. Nice looking place to 'spend a penny'!

  10. A clean washroom is always a joy to find. :))

  11. I've never seen a public loo so fancy like this! ;-)

  12. What a fun contrast to the earlier architecture ones. This really is a nice example of streamline architecture, and such a nice public building.

  13. I agree totally Pat, a very important structure..for women at least. This one looks very civilized indeed!

  14. by the way, there is a small door in the side where a hose can be passed through for a community member to flood the rink. Also, the white Kalwall is translucent so daylight can pass into the washroom. Glad to hear so many positive comments!
